7 questions every business should ask before hiring a contract security company

7 Questions Every Business Should Ask Before Hiring a Contract Security Company

by Grayling D. Livingston [topic: outsource security] written for Security Info Watch | Choosing a professional security guard vendor is not an easy process. If a business fails to perform a due diligence inquiry on the prospective vendor, it may result in considerable personal and financial liability for their organization. There are numerous problems that…

Kaplan University and IFPO Partner to Expand Access to Higher Ed. and Training for Private Security Professionals

Kaplan University and IFPO Partner to Expand Access to Higher Ed. and Training for Private Security Professionals

source: Security Magazine | Kaplan University and the International Foundation of Protection Officers (IFPO) announced a partnership to expand access to professional training and higher education for professional private security officers. “While there are more than 2.2 million people employed in the security field, there are still not enough professionals to fill the increased demand…