Fire Watch Security Guard Cost Estimate

A fire watch is a crucial safety measure. The person, company, or contractor responsible for organizing this procedure is legally and morally obligated to provide it. If you are searching for fire watch security guard information, be sure that you understand your responsibilities thoroughly. How you proceed has the potential to impact multiple lives.

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Fire Watch Safety Procedure

Fire Watch Security Concerns

One of your initial concerns might be why you need to organize a fire watch at all. Typically, a fire watch is necessary as a result of one or more specific factors:

  1. The standard fire safety precautions for a building are not in working order. These may include a fire suppression system, fire sprinklers, and fire alarms.
  2. An equipment or power outage longer than four hours is expected.
  3. A building is undergoing “hot work.” Hot work is a term used to describe work that could lead to a fire, such as torch work, welding, or any planned activity that may induce a flame or a spark. As discussed on the Mission Critical Fire Protection website, such hot work has led to many fires in buildings, so this is an area of activity that should always be regarded with much caution.
  4. A building is undergoing demolition or other activities that are similar in nature to hot work.
  5. Heavy crowds are expected in a building. This is not an uncommon scenario in buildings that accommodate public assembly. Thus, such venues are subject to fire watch when crowded events take place.

Fire Watch Security Officer’s Responsibilities

Now that you know the importance of conducting fire watches, it is also vital to understand the role of a fire watch security guard. Knowing this essential fire watch security guard information can help you to fulfill your own responsibility to your building or worksite.

These are the basic duties that you should expect from a fire watch security guard:

  • 24/7 Patrols: Until the need for a fire watch ceases, patrolling a building is a must.
  • Hazard Identification: Guards should be able to identify hazards that could cause a building fire. They should be continuously on the lookout for such dangers.
  • Recording: Patrol logs should be continuously updated. Any conditions that pose a fire risk should be noted in these logs. Insurance companies and local authorities may require such records.
  • Equipment Checks: In addition to being retained to conduct fire watches under dangerous conditions, trained fire watch security officers may also perform checks of on-site fire safety equipment. By checking such items for functionality and general condition, the guards can help to keep a building safe.
  • Contacting Emergency Personnel: If a fire occurs, security guards should immediately contact the local fire department.

At the onset of a fire watch, guards should familiarize themselves with the property itself. They should look for any areas that might specifically increase the possibility of fire. The fire watch security officers should also be fully aware of the specific reasons for conducting a particular fire watch.

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How Much Does Fire Watch Security Cost?

The cost of hiring security personnel varies according to the scope and length of an event or need. Security guards typically charge between $10 and $100 per hour. Armed security is generally more expensive than unarmed guards, and off-duty police officers may cost more than other types of guards. Odd hours (such as late nights) can also have an impact on security fees. Other factors that can affect the cost of security include the level of experience a guard has, as well as whether the guard is hired via a company that has paid for licensing and insurance.

Hiring Fire Watch Security Personnel

If you are responsible for the safety and security of a building and its occupants, exploring fire watch security guard information is essential. When a fire watch is mandatory, you need to ensure that the guards you hire are equipped to do the job. You should always check with your local authorities for the laws and ordinances pertaining to fire watches in your area.

Getting a Quote for Security Services

Before you choose a security company or a fire watch security guard, you should consult an online resource like Get A Security Quote. Our tools can do the work of shopping for the best rates on fire watch security services, so you don’t need to waste your valuable time performing an exhaustive search for the best deal. We can even negotiate the best price for you, saving you even more time and money.

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