We Are The Bridge
Between Buyers & Sellers
of Security Services

Get a Security Guard Quote Online Instantly!

Save Time. We have the ability to reach a large audience of security industry service providers and consultants so you don't have to waste time and effort trying to identify security guard companies to contact.

Save Money. We can show you the savings and return on investment when you use a security guard vendor instead of employing in-house staff that you don't have the time or expertise to train or manage.

We have the ability to reach security industry providers to get you security guard quotes.

Why Choose GASQ?

We Do the Heavy Lifting So You Don't Have To

Most of us wouldn't dispute the value of maintaining the security of our company or organization. It's safe to say that most of us are committed to maintaining the integrity of our company or organization. However, this starts with hiring the right company or security personnel to protect our company or business. This raises many questions and concerns, however. How do you know what to look for? How long does this process take? What does it cost? These are some of the common questions that your business or organization may ask. However, it helps to hire a company that can take the guesswork out of this process and helps you find the security your business desperately needs.

We work with companies (security service buyers) who don’t want to manage a full-time in-house security staff. These businesses are looking for the best value for their money and expect the security services to match the fees. Our security vendors are able to meet your expectations in terms of providing a safe and risk free environment for conducting business at a price you can afford. Pre-qualifying before pursuit inspired our vision of a request for information and security guard quote process that provides the buyer with information that allows you to make an intelligent decision regarding the service being requested.

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Why Choose Get A Security Quote

Don’t Pay for What You Don’t Need! Download Our E-book to Discover How GASQ Makes a Difference!

Not sure if you need Get A Security Quote to help with negotiating your security guard needs? If so, download our e-book to discover the time and money saving benefits of working with us!

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We Negotiate for You

While each property manager or business owner has needs for security agent services that are specific to their line of business, we have found that there are some relatively consistent needs when it comes to addressing in-house or outsourcing security services. GASQ has identified seven concerns that every property manager struggles with as they try to find the right security vendor for the job and ensuring that they are paying a competitive price for quality security officer services. GASQ has developed an exclusive method that has removed the lowest bidder concept and price from the bid proposal process. Our exclusive GASQ “Negotiate for Us” process gives you the owner the ability to focus on hiring the security vendor with the best reputation and qualifications for quality security services for your property instead of the stress of price negotiating.

6 Ways GASQ Makes Hiring Security Easy

Most of us don't know the first thing about hiring a company to protect the assets of our business or organization. GASQ does this for you. Get A Security Quote can match you to security personnel that best fit your needs and the needs of your business or organization. GASQ can save you time and money by accessing a huge pool of security vendors and sending you qualified security personnel that you won't have to train and already know what they're doing. However, you may be wondering how we accomplish this.

1. We Conduct In-Depth Research

GASQ starts by sifting through security industry service providers and consultants for you, which saves you a lot of time.

2. We Save You Time & Money

GASQ shows you how much the savings and return on investment can be when you invest in a security service provider instead of using in-house staff that you will have to train, supervise and manage. This requires both a time commitment to train in-house personnel as well as a financial commitment.

3. We Already Have Relationships with Major Vendors Nationwide

GASQ eliminates the need for you to look for security personnel because we look for you and connect you to vendors accordingly.

4. We Have a Proprietary Client-Vendor Matching Algorithm

GASQ also eliminates vendor underbidding which can affect the quality of the security services you receive. We do this through a custom-built client-vendor matching algorithm.

5. Our Quoting System Benefits You First

Because GASQ is not a security provider and does not provide investigative services or security guards for businesses, we are in a position to be unbiased; allowing us to focus on securing the best security personnel for your company's needs.

6. Our Vetting Process Eliminates the Back-and-Forth

We eliminate the need to waste time on bad leads and help you to stop spending hours on pursuing vendors that may not be suited for the needs of your business. Instead, our process allows interested vendors to concentrate on buyers that have an immediate or future need for a particular type of service and have the money to pay for the services they desire.

The Security Quote

We work with companies that don't want to manage in-house security staff; companies that want the best value for their money. Most businesses don't mind investing in security personnel. However, they want to know that they will get what they pay for in terms of effective and qualitative security.

GASQ negotiates the cost of security for you. When we do the bidding for you, you are free to focus on picking the best provider to suit your needs.

Who We Are

Get A Security Quote does not provide security services for businesses or organizations. Instead, GASQ is a lead generation and lead qualification company that helps pre-qualify security companies for contract security services. We work with businesses and organizations that have a need for immediate security personnel. GASQ helps businesses find security vendors who can provide and maintain a safe environment regardless of the type of business or service you provide.

Our security quoting process provides you, the business owner or organization, with key information that helps you with making an intelligent decision regarding the service being requested. Plus, service providers can showcase the confidential details of their business and pricing to you based on your desired budget.

Pre-Qualification: Our Instant Quote Form

Our Instant Quote Form allows us to get a snapshot of the needs and financial standing of potential clients. This form allows us to pre-qualify a business or organization before soliciting security services from a potential security vendor. This step is a way of ensuring that the right vendors are paired with the right businesses and organizations.

The pre-qualifying process also ensures that the specific security needs of the business or organization are paired with a security vendor who can meet those needs.

How it Works

GASQ's primary goal is to connect security vendors with the businesses and organizations that are most suited for them. This thorough and transparent service offers a clear transaction process for both parties. This process is achieved in a series of steps:

Step 1: Complete the Instant Quote form.

Step 2: Your security preferences and timeframe is pinpointed.

Step 3: Your request for proposal is reviewed in detail and any changes or adjustments are applied.

Step 4: You select the pay wage you are willing to pay the security officer. GASQ network of vendors pays their security officers a minimum of $15.00 - $18.00 per hour for unarmed guard service and $19.00 - $24.00 for armed guard service depending on their knowledge, skills training, education, ease or difficulty of job and experience.

Step 5: You select the bill rate you are willing to pay the security service provider. To recruit and retain reliable employees, GASQ network of vendors are willing to accept a minimum billable rate of $27.50 per hour or $1,100 weekly cost in order to pay an average hourly wage of $15.00 per hour, plus benefits, for a combined package equal to $57,200.00 per year.

Step 6: We submit your project to our network of vendors and pre-screen potential vendors.

Step 7: You choose the vendors that you want to interview.

Step 8: Close the deal. Both you and the vendor sign a contract for security services.

Step 9: GASQ performs a follow up to ensure that the contract is being met by both parties.

How You Benefit

GASQ provides many benefits to companies and organizations that are searching for security personnel. The instant quote online form speeds up the process and helps eliminate security vendors that may not be a good fit for your business or organization. The online method that we employ is far more precise and effective than traditional search methods. Our process saves you time and money. We are the mediators that stand between the security vendors and businesses to ensure that there's a mutually beneficial fit between both. We also eliminate underbidding because this can compromise the quality of the security services solution you receive as well as the security contract. In essence, our process creates a larger audience of security service providers for you to choose from and involves a prequalification process that filters security personnel to present the most compatible security vendors as serious options for your business or organization.

We're in the Business of Getting You the Best Security Contract

There are many reasons why choosing GASQ to find your next security provider would be a smart move. We're in the business of getting the best security contract for your situation and your financial budget. Our goal is to help you find a company that will be able to meet the security needs of your business effectively. However, what does this mean?

As unique as your business or service is, there are still some things about in-house or outsourcing security services that remain consistent. We understand these factors and work to bring the right businesses together with the right security personnel by focusing on seven key areas that are universal to most businesses when it comes to in-house or outsourcing security services.

When a business or organization determines that they don't want in-house security it's usually because they don't want to be saddled with more operational costs, more payroll obligations, additional employees, and insurance.

Most businesses want to pay fewer service fees without compromising the quality of the services they are receiving.

A business or organization may seek a security vendor to address a specific security vulnerability.

A business may already have a security vendor that's not adequately meeting their needs.

Most businesses want a clear understanding of how much a security contract may cost their business or organization.

Businesses want to know what services will be provided in-turn for the fees or cost of taking on a security vendor.

Businesses want to obtain the security services they want and need for a price that's comfortable for them.

These focus areas seem to be universal to most businesses and organizations regardless of how much they may differ from each other. This is why GASQ uses these seven areas to help guide and filter the selection process when it comes to potential security vendors. GASQ does the heavy lifting by addressing the universal concerns that most businesses have when it comes to security. However, these concerns allow us to take things a step further by personalizing the process once the general concerns have been addressed. The questionnaire, the pre-qualifying process, and the large pool of security vendors that GASQ has access to makes this company an extremely beneficial tool when it comes to finding a service provider that will adequately meet the security needs of your company.

In a nutshell, the GASQ “Negotiate for Us” process lets you sit back and simply focus on choosing from a pool of prequalified security vendors.